The additional contracts expand Constellation’s federal supply to 2.7 million MWh of electricity per year, serve almost every region of the country eligible for competitive supply, and build upon existing contracts that include the US Capitol, Federal Reserve and Smithsonian Institution.

The new contracts cover agencies in New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania.

Last year, Constellation signed a three-year contract with the GSA to supply 1.72 million MWh of electricity per year to federal sites that include the US Capitol, Kennedy Center, Smithsonian Institution, GSA and the Federal Reserve, as well as the Departments of Justice, Labor, Interior, Transportation and Treasury.

All GSA contracts are subject to federal competitive bid requirements.

The GSA contract followed the March 2011 announcement that Constellation signed an energy savings agreement with the US Department of State that will contribute to President Obama’s executive order to reduce federal-wide greenhouse gas emissions.