The nearly $1bn investment is one component of a clean air program, which will ensure Constellation Energy’s coal-fired power plants will meet all emissions requirements of Maryland’s Healthy Air Act.

Constellation Energy’s investment in this environmental upgrade will reduce the coal-fired power plant’s sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions by an estimated 95% and existing mercury emissions by 90%.

Mayo Shattuck III, chairman, president and CEO of Constellation Energy, said: “Constellation Energy has a long and demonstrated commitment to environmental stewardship throughout the communities in which we live, work and do business. Over the past decade, we’ve made a number of major environmental investments and improvements at our generating facilities, and the Brandon Shores scrubber project represents one of the most notable steps in our environmental stewardship efforts.

“The completion of this project illustrates our commitment to investing in the latest clean air and environmental technology as part of a broad and ongoing effort to make our generating facilities as environmentally friendly and sustainable as possible.”

Constellation Energy’s clean air program includes additional environmental upgrades at the Brandon Shores plant, including the installation of baghouses to remove particulates, as well as sorbent injection technology, which removes mercury and sulfuric acid mist from the plant’s emissions. The company also previously installed a selective catalytic reduction system at Brandon Shores, which lowers nitrogen oxide emissions.