This will be the single rooftop solar installation in Maryland, and is the second solar installation developed for McCormick by Constellation Energy.

In late 2008, the companies brought a nearly 1MW solar installation online at McCormick’s Spice Mill in Hunt Valley, Mary Land. Construction of this installation has been scheduled to begin in late June with estimated completion by the close of 2010.

Constellation Energy will finance the project, including design and construction of the installation, and then own and maintain the solar power system for a period of 20 years. McCormick purchases energy produced by the solar installations hosted at its facilities.

Alan Wilson, chairman, president and CEO of McCormick, said: “We have had a very positive response to our earlier solar installations from our customers, employees and shareholders. With this new project, McCormick becomes one of the largest corporate users of solar power in the state of Maryland. This is a great source of pride and a clear sign of our ongoing commitment to the environment and sustainability in general. Sustainability makes great sense from a business perspective and is ‘Truly our Nature’ at McCormick.”

The McCormick distribution center solar project is designed to utilize 8,372 crystalline PV solar panels on the facility’s 363,000sqft rooftop. The system is expected annually to generate power equivalent to the amount of electricity used by 195 homes in a year.