The utility deployed Responder as an extension of its existing ArcFM geographic information system in July 2008. This software has been integrated with Consumers Energy’s enterprise systems, including the work management systems that control mobile crew communications and the SAP customer service system. Responder proved its functionality and reliability during and after a major winter storm late last year, when it provided real-time outage location information and helped the utility manage 300 crews to restore power to more than 210,000 customers.

Currently, Consumers Energy is integrating the Responder outage management system with its AMI test lab located at the Smart Services Learning Center in Jackson, Michigan. Telvent’s Utilities Group defined the software requirements and enhanced the core software functionality needed to meet the high throughput requirements for AMI events. The integration framework also includes development based on industry standards for communication and information delivery.

“Responder’s ability to handle and manage AMI events is a key component of our smart grid strategy, which will enhance our outage awareness, optimize restoration and improve customer service,” said Wayne Longcore, director of enterprise architecture and standards for Consumers Energy.

Telvent is a Spain-based information technology (IT) company.

CMS Energy is a US-based energy company.