The surveys include acquisition of 120sqkm of high resolution 3D seismic data and a reconnaissance 2D survey totaling 844 line kilometers. The surveys are located to define new exploratory drilling targets and guide appraisal well placement.

The estimated cost of the combined 2D and 3D surveys was approved by Indonesian oil regulators in 2009 at a budget of $28.3m. At year end 2009, estimates that approximately a third of the budget has been expended on site preparations, materials, and mobilization. Regulators have approved a carry-over of the estimated remaining programme amount of $18m into budget year 2010.

CGB2 estimates acquisition of the 3D portion of the survey to be completed in March 2010 and the 2D portion to be completed in May. CGB2 expects to submit a revised budget for 2010 drilling plans in the Bengara-II block once interpretation of the new seismic and selection of drilling locations is complete.