Representative sampling across the newly identified wide, metal rich gossans on Yerelina Zinc Project in South Australia has identified zones over 10m wide at Big Hill and zinc values up to 5% zinc at Great Gladstone.

The 10m wide sub – cropping gossan at Big Hill is the surface expression of the Big Hill mineralised shear zone, which has highly anomalous zinc, lead and silver over at least 2km in sampling to date.

5km to the east of Big Hill, Core’s previous mapping campaigns have discovered high grade zinc, lead and silver mineralisation extending over 1 kilometre at Great Gladstone. Of the 38 samples taken along a 1 km section of fault zone at Great Gladstone, 34 returned combined lead and zinc assays in excess of 10,000ppm and over 1 g/t silver with the best assay at 14.7% zinc. Lead values peaked at 12.7% and silver at 567 g/t.

Channel sampling at Great Gladstone indicates grades of 2.5 – 3% zinc and up to 109g/t silver and 4.9% lead in channel sampling over 300m apart.

Core’s surface mapping, detailed magnetic surveys and remote sensing imagery shows clear evidence of numerous historical workings and outcropping mineralisation that can be mapped over hundreds to thousands of metres in repetitious gossanous vein sets over a very broad 8km wide and 2 km long area. The Yerelina project is highly prospective for shallow zinc mineralisation as evidenced by high grade mineralisation identified on at least five separate north – south structures identified by Core.

Further channel and rock chip sampling along with regional and infill soils are currently underway on the Yerelina Zinc project to test extensions to and potentially discover additional mineralised shear zones.