The Belford Dolphin drillship has commenced a four well deep-water programme in the Rovuma Offshore 1 in December 2009 and is currently drilling on the Windjammer prospect. Anadarko Petroleum is the operator.

John Craven, CEO of Cove Energy, said: “The acquisition of the Rovuma Offshore 1 interest signifies the successful completion of the third and final transaction with Artumas relating to assets in Tanzania and Mozambique, a transaction which was conditionally concluded in September 2009.

“The board is proud to have guided the company through the negotiation and completion of this complex process, involving a re-admission to AIM and associated GBP42m placing of new shares, and to have achieved all necessary partner and government approvals in such a short time frame.”

He added, “We continue to work closely with all our partners to realise the potential value from these prospective hydrocarbon assets and, with drilling underway in the offshore, 2010 is set to be an exciting year for Cove.”