As one of Becancour Silicon’s (BSI) first customers and an R&D partner, CSI is expected to receive up to 5,000 metric tons of solar-grade upgraded metallurgical grade (UMG) silicon until 2011 at a price that is substantially less than the current contract prices for polysilicon.

BSI has delivered 16 tons of UMG silicon in 2007 and expects to deliver 450-500 metric tons to CSI in 2008, as part of the long-term supply contract originally signed in April 2007.

Shawn Qu, chairman and CEO of Canadian Solar, said: In making this announcement we have together achieved a technical landmark in the PV industry. Our e-Module program rollout makes CSI the first company to market with a low-cost, medium power PV panel manufactured with 100% UMG silicon. We have recommended this product to our customers for ground-mounted applications where we are pleased to report that it has already achieved significant acceptance by customers.