The Dana-operated Rinnes well has been drilled to a total measured depth of 6,470 feet. A comprehensive set of wireline log data has reportedly been acquired including pressure data and oil samples.

The company has successfully completed a drill-stem test of the reservoir, which flowed at rates of up to 7,800 barrels of oil per day.

The well reportedly flowed strongly and this flowrate was limited by the test equipment on the drilling rig. Initial analysis indicated that the Rinnes oil is very similar in quality to that being produced by Dana at the nearby Hudson oil field.

Tom Cross, Dana’s CEO, said: This is an excellent result which has exceeded our pre-drill expectations. The discovery of good quality oil at West Rinnes gives strong encouragement for a number of other prospects in this immediate area, including East Rinnes which will be drilled imminently, and also West Hudson, North Melville and Southwest Rinnes which have yet to be drilled.