In a recent interview with The Economic Times of India, Kenji Urai, Managing Director of Toshiba India Private, spoke about the company’s plans in India. He says that hydro has an important role in helping to supplement the country’s coal based generation capacity while the longevity of hydropower equipment is viewed as being his company’s major USP. Furthermore Toshiba management’s vision, to create innovative technologies in harmony with human lives, is resonated by the hydro business’ same philosophy of providing a safe, secure and comfortable life through the generation of electricity, the company’s MD added.
“India is extremely well-endowed with mountains and rivers and, therefore, has a very high potential for hydroelectric power generation," Urai commented. "One of our best options, both in terms of resource availability and low operational costs, is hydroelectric power. In this context, Toshiba’s role in the sector is more essential today than ever before."
Toshiba has been present in the Indian power sector since 1965 when it delivered hydroelectric equipment to the Umiam-I project. Urai says that the project is still producing electricity reliably even after 50 years – something which he claims is typical of Toshiba’s plants.
The company says it wants to play a decisive role in raising India’s power generation capacity through conventional fixed speed and pumped storage hydropower plants.