Scheduled to commence this week, the $10m project to rebuild the existing 69,000V transmission line along the town’s Coastal Highway between the Maridel substation on 41st Street and the Ocean Bay substation on 85th Street, will involve replacement of current 90 wooden poles with galvanized steel poles.

Half of the wooden poles measure 90ft in height, and hold the 69,000V line will be replaced with 90ft tall steel poles to help achieve greater safety clearance from nearby buildings.

Located in between the taller poles, the other 45 shorter, wooden distribution poles will be replaced with steel poles of approximately the same height.

The galvanized steel poles require less maintenance and are built to withstand winds of up to 120mp.

Delmarva Power Region vice president John Allen said, ”We have coordinated the project with the Town of Ocean City, the Maryland State Highway Administration and other utilities to minimize the amount of noise and traffic disruptions during construction.”

The line rebuild is expected to complete by the end of February 2014, while all post-project cleanup work is scheduled to be finalized by mid-April of the same year.