The move comes as the company also aims to accommodate the growing focus on sustainability as well as provide full service, multidisciplinary offering for its clients.
Effective from January 2018, the Ramboll’s two units will continue to work together under Ramboll Energy.
Ramboll Energy managing director Thomas Rand said: “With our combined service we will have 1,500 employees dedicated to renewable and conventional energy locally and globally.”
The company said that there is a strong push towards renewables and a growing focus on sustainability. The oil and gas sector, however, will continue to play a significant role in the energy mix in the coming years.
Additionally, the oil market, which has settled at a lower level, is driving significant consolidation in the market, Ramboll noted.
Considering these global market developments, the company intends to better exploit significant potential by combining its Oil & Gas and Energy business units.
Ramboll Energy executive director John Sørensen said: “We will support our clients better with a holistic approach to the energy sector and the challenges our clients face as well as a full-service, integrated and multidisciplinary offering that cuts across the whole value chain. We will be a one-stop-shop.”
The new combined unit will have a portfolio of close to 4,000 projects with approximately DKK1.2bn ($193m) in revenue.