The new discovery is expected to double the Benenan field’s gross 2P oil-in-place volumes from 300 million barrels to an estimated 600-700 million barrels.

The well was originally designed as a horizontal producer in the Upper Najmeh formation with a deeper deviated exploratory probe, however now it will be completed as a deviated well capable of producing from several Najmeh intervals as well as from the Bekhme formation.

DNO International executive chairman Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani said, "We are excited to continue to build reserves, production and value across our licenses in the Kurdistan region of Iraq."

The Benenan and Bastora field development program is continuing with a second development well scheduled for mid-2013, the company said.

The company owns a 40 % working interest in the the Erbil license and is the operator of the license.

The revised estimates of recoverable reserves for the Benenan field are under preparation and it will be reported when the company completes the full estimation.