
The program offers an opportunity to participants to secure funding for the development and implementation of asset management plans for their facilities.

Municipal governments are required to sign an agreement with DNREC and the Department of Health and Social Services to secure financial incentives.

Under the five-year deal, the companies must develop and implement system-wide asset management plans for wastewater and/or drinking water utilities.

DNREC said the plan must be consistent with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s framework for asset management including current state of assets, level of service, critical assets, minimum lifecycle cost, and long-term funding plan.

Financial incentives for the program include up to $100,000 no-match required grant per municipality to develop and implement an asset management program and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan interest rebates.

The project will be funded from the Non-Federal Administrative Accounts for CWSRF and DWSRF programs.

Image: DNREC is accepting applications for wastewater, drinking water asset management program. Photo: Courtesy of domdeen/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.