During the three months ended 31 October 2014, the company processed about 1.1 million tons of ore at Ekati and 207,000 tons of ore from Diavik mine.

Diamond production at the Ekati mine is driven by higher than expected grades and operational improvements to the processing plant.

At the Misery pipe, waste stripping continued as per the plan after allocating additional resources.

Stripping and mining of COR started ahead of schedule, to provide flexibility for blending at the process plant. Work on the ring road and the waste stockpile area at the Pigeon pipe is completed and overburden and waste stripping activities have commenced.

At Koala and Koala North underground production is ahead of plan and development activities at Koala North were completed in August.

Dominion Diamond said: "Ore mined at the Diavik Diamond Mine was 5% ahead of plan for the three months ended October 31, 2014, and 12% ahead of plan for the fiscal year to date.

"This performance results from higher production from all three kimberlite pipes throughout the year due to favorable ground conditions and improved availability of equipment."

For the nine months ended 31 October, Ekati and Diavik produced about 2.3 million carats and 2.1 million carats respectively.