Elected and public officials, businessmen and homeowners showed their support for the power station at a State Corporation Commission (SCC) public hearing. The SCC is deciding on Dominion’s application to build the $1.8 billion power station.

Dominion projects that its customers will demand an additional 4,000MW of electricity by 2017. PJM Interconnection, the independent regional transmission operator in Virginia and neighboring states, expects a 1.8% annual growth rate in demand for electricity in Dominion’s control zone.

The SCC has already ruled the power station to be in the public interest. Once permits are issued, Dominion plans to start construction on the 585MW power station and have its electricity serving customers by 2012.

Dominion said that the station will use two circulating fluidized bed units that are able to burn coal and up to 20% biomass and the latest in environmental controls to reduce emissions and lower water usage.