
A firm and unconditional order for the V164-8MW turbines has not yet been signed.

Located in the North Sea, about 57km off the north-west coast of Germany, the Borkum Riffgrund 2 wind farm will generate enough energy for about 460,000 homes.

The project is located next to the 312MW Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind farm, which is anticipated to start commercial operation later this year.

Commenting on the selection of MHI Vestas, Dong Energy Wind Power executive vice president Samuel Leupold said: "It’s very satisfying to see the competitive performance level that MHI Vestas has brought into this tender and the offshore wind industry.

"If we should decide to build Borkum Riffgrund 2, it would be our fourth wind farm project in Germany underlining our big commitment to that market."

The Government of Germany is planning to install 15GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030 to support the transition to a renewable electricity supply.

Dong Energy has to date installed 3GW of offshore wind turbines which can supply enough energy for over 7 million Europeans. The company is planning to installing a total of 6.5GW by 2020.

Image: MHI Vestas Offshore Wind V164-8MW turbine. Photo: courtesy of DONG Energy A/S.