The wind farms, with a total capacity of 18.6MW, became part of Dong Energy in
connection with the merger of Dong, Energi E2, Elsam, Nesa, Frederiksberg
Forsyning and Kobenhavns Energi’s power activities in 2006.

Dong Energy has decided to sell off the companies’ Greek activities as its strategic focus shifts to select geographical areas.

The sale of the wind power activities of Energi E2 Aioliki and Energi E2 Aiolika Parka Karystias, owned by Energi E2 Renewables, is expected to be completed in the second half of 2008. The sale is expected to result in an accounting gain after tax of approximately DKK50 million for Dong Energy.

Anders Eldrup, CEO of Dong Energy, said: We are satisfied with the outcome of this sales process whereby we have fulfilled our financial and strategic objectives and shown our commitment to focusing and strengthening our activities related to our principal markets.