The objective is to provide the Stade site with reliable power and steam supply at competitive rates. This would contribute to the long-term sustainability and development of the site, as well as the subcontractor companies located there.

The foreseen co-operation includes the development, construction and operation of an integrated power supply system at the site; combining a modern hard coal-fired power plant and a gas and steam turbine power plant with an output exceeding 1,000MW.

The current Dow power plant will continue its operations until the new one enters production. EnBW said that the concept development will be implemented in successive steps. First study results are expected during the second half of 2008.

Both partners are planning to harmonize the economic and ecological aspects of modern power plant technology. The partners are considering a combined heat and power co-generation facility and are also exploring the use of by-product hydrogen from the site to generate a portion of the power and steam requirements with no carbon dioxide emissions.