Gastar plans to complete the well in three initial zones and expects the first of these three initial completions to be on-line by the end of September. The Streater #1 well is projected to cost approximately $9m including the cost of the initial three completions.

Gastar has a 100% before payout working interest (approximately 76% before payout net revenue interest) in the Streater #1 well.

Russell Porter, President and CEO of Gastar, said: “The Streater #1 well was drilled in the northern portion of Gastar’s acreage and confirms that the middle and upper Bossier formations are productive across a large portion of Gastar’s leasehold.

“Based on the results of the completion efforts on this well, Gastar will evaluate the drilling of additional middle Bossier wells, as well as the potential for horizontal wells within the upper Bossier formation.”