This year’s competition, in partnership with The Engineering Society of Detroit, will focus on innovative energy efficiency technology in advanced control systems. Up to $100,000 is to be awarded to one or more successful applicants to create the demonstration for their energy controls innovations. Submissions are due by Friday, Jan. 29, 2016.

The purpose of the E-Challenge, launched in 2012, is to showcase innovative energy efficiency technology in advanced control systems. The competition encourages demonstration projects that integrate energy efficiency solutions through collaborations, bring under-utilized energy efficiency products to the DTE Energy service area, or accelerate the commercialization of Michigan-based energy technologies. The technologies must demonstrate less than an eight-year return on investment, with three years or less given preference.

With a focus on advanced controls, the idea is to showcase systems that put information out in the open that is currently locked in systems that don’t communicate – and use that information in creative ways to make buildings more efficient.

While companies entering don’t have to be based in Michigan, the advanced technologies’ demonstration site must be located within the DTE Energy electric service area and be a DTE Energy electric customer. If gas savings are being demonstrated, preference will be given to DTE Energy gas customers, but customers of other gas utilities within the DTE Energy electric footprint will also be considered. DTE Energy must consent to the final site selection.

An application can be submitted through one of the following three options:

An energy efficiency technology vendor or team of vendors that is offering an innovative, advanced control system to be demonstrated at a "to be determined" site within a vertical market that is pre-specified by the submitter. The site will be selected with the help of the DTE Energy – ESD team.

A building owner(s) or host(s) that is willing to demonstrate a "to be determined" advanced controls energy efficiency solution at a highly visible site. The advanced controls solution will be selected with the help of the DTE Energy – ESD team. The controls demonstration can be planned for all or a portion of the site, dependent upon the contribution amount from the demonstration site partners.

An advanced controls technology vendor or team of vendors that is proposing an advanced controls solution partnered with a selected building owner that is willing to host the demonstration.