The RFP is offered to only federally licensed US nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel fabricators, and all proceeds from the sale are expected to benefit Florida customers by reducing the amount of money Duke Energy Florida may recover from customers.

The company intends to consider both price and non-price attributes, such as safety, delivery schedule and procedures among other factors, in the the bid selection, according to RFP.

Sale and transfer of nuclear fuel assemblies is safe and heavily regulated in the US.

The single pressurized water reactor (PWR) Crystal River plant was decommissioned in 2013, following a comprehensive engineering analysis of the damaged CR3 containment structure and unsuccessful repairs.

Co-located with four coal-fired units at the Crystal River Energy Complex, CR3 entered service in March 1977, generating on average 860MW of electricity and helping to supply reliable, and affordable electricity to 1.7 million customers in Florida.