Currently, the scheme is being operated under an annual license following the expiration of the previous license in August 2008.

Duke Energy submitted the application in August 2006. A revised comprehensive relicensing agreement was also submitted in December 2006 which included environmental improvements for flow rates, water quality, habitats for endangered species, and also recreation. Then, in March 2007, shortly after the public scoping process began, a supplement and clarification to the application was submitted.

No changes to installed capacity have been sought in the application.

FERC has produced its own alternative to the company’s proposal for relicensing, which adds to the utility’s plans various actions, such as: installation of a bladder dam to Wateree dam to help flood management; wider agency consultation in low flow conditions; implementation of flow ramping when increasing or decreasing releases for recreation; a number of additions to plant and wildlife measures; and revised public safety plans.