Eastman Chemical said it has signed the pledge along with Alcoa, CalPortland, Lufkin Industries, and Raytheon.

By partnering with DOE, ‘Leader’ companies make pledge develop energy intensity baselines, energy management plans and report their progress to DOE on an annual basis.

These five companies joined 32 charter companies who signed on to the new initiative in December, 2009. Companies that sign the agreement to work toward the energy reduction target will receive priority access to selected DOE resources and national recognition for their commitment and progress.

Jim Rogers, president and CEO of Eastman Chemical, said: “It’s appropriate that Eastman join this industrial initiative. Energy efficiency is not new to us. Over the past 10 years, we’ve reduced greenhouse gas intensity by 25% and energy intensity by 35%.

“We’re an energy-intensive industry and will continue to do all we can to be more energy efficient.”

Steven Chu, secretary of US DOE, said: “Supporting the development of the latest industrial technologies plays an important role in helping US industry to lead the world in energy efficiency and productivity.

“Working together with American manufacturing and IT industries, we will be able to create new jobs, reduce industrial energy use and limit damaging greenhouse gas emissions.”