Special purpose companies Grupa PEP – Farma Wiatrowa 1, Grupa PEP – Farma Wiatrowa 4 and Grupa PEP – Farma Wiatrowa 6, fully owned by Polish Energy Partners’ (PEPSA), are developing the three Polish projects namely 41.4MW Gawlowice, 36.8MW Skurpie, and 25.3MW Rajgrod.

The sponsor PEPSA will develop the project in two phases with phase one comprising Gawlowice and Rajgrod plants, which will come online by the end of 2014, while phase two includes Skurpie plant, which is set to become operational by September 2016.

Of the total estimated project cost of PLN840m, the EBRD loan, which represents up to 35%, includes PLN242.7m (€57.8m) for the phase one and PLN49.3m (€11.74m) for the phase two, while other financial institutions and the sponsor are likely to provide the remaining amount.

EBRD director for Poland Lucyna Stanczak said that the milestone agreement represents significant investment in the Polish renewable energy sector and helps PEPSA to achieve its renewable energy ambitions.

"The EBRD is proud to be associated with this effort to increase renewable energy production, which we consider very important for Poland to meet the EU target for the renewable energy share in the country’s energy mix," Stanczak added.