Meanwhile, EC also approved support to the 296MW Rentel and 350MW Norther wind farm projects in the Belgian portion of the North Sea.

According to EC, the Belgium’s offshore wind financing scheme and the two projects promote the integration of renewable electricity into the market and comply with the Commission's 2014 Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy.

The scheme calls federal energy regulator CREG to provide certificates for offshore power generated from renewable sources to their operators.

Additionally, the scheme allows operators to sell these certificates to the transmission system operator Elia at a premium over the price they get for power sold on the market.

Financed by a surcharge that is finally paid by electricity consumers, the scheme will be partially opened to foreign renewable power producers as from 1 January 2017.

The Rentel and Norther projects, which will also receive certificates for energy produced, will be partly financed by the European Investment Bank under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI).

Featuring MHI Vestas Offshore Wind-built turbines, the Norther wind farm is designed to produce clean energy required to power 370,000 Belgian households.

The two offshore wind projects are expected to contribute to the Belgium’s effort to produce 13% of its energy needs from renewable sources 2020.

Image: The Norther offshore wind farm in Belgium will feature MHI Vestas Offshore Wind turbine. Photo: courtesy of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind.