The Nuclear Safety and Fuel Cycle group of the European Commission directorate-general for energy of the European Commission has tendered for procurement of whole-body radiation counters to monitor exposure of staff.

About 220 staff members from different European Commission departments are classified as workers occupationally exposed to ionising radiation in the course of their work. Under the European and national radiological protection regulations, the employer is responsible for implementing arrangements for the radiological protection of his workers. The employer shall arrange for precautions and radiation monitoring appropriate to the risks associated with the work involving exposure to ionising radiation. Therefore, the Directorate-General for Energy has established a system for systematic monitoring, recording and reporting of individual radiation exposures. The radiation monitoring comprises also the detection of possible internal exposure with the whole-body counter. An approved laboratory shall provide this special service, which is the subject of this call for tender.


European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy, Directorate D — Nuclear Safety and Fuel Cycle
1, rue Henry Schnadt, Zone d’activités Cloche d’Or
For the attention of: Kersti Peedo, EUFO 4455
2530 Luxembourg
Telephone: +352 4301-32812

Deadline: 16 April
One-year contract, with up to two renewals.