Cenit, the Ecopetrol subsidiary that manages its pipelines, finance vice-president Thomas Rueda said during a conference call with analysts that Ecopetrol will commence repair work for the pipeline and hopes in five days the pipeline will be pumping, reported Reuters.

Upon completion of the necessary repairs, the pipeline will pump 800,000 barrels of crude which has been accumulated during its month-long shut down.

The 780km pipeline has been closed following bomb attack on March 25.

The repairs will be made following the U’wa community, which blocked engineers’ access, has agreed to end their protest with the government with demand to re-assess a gas project near their territory which they oppose.

Ecopetrol chief executive officer Javier Gutierrez said, "At the moment we have around 800,000 barrels ready in storage that could not be transported in reserve tanks, that we’ll quickly begin to move as soon as the pipeline is back in operation," he said.