The company is an integration of two Eden Energy US subsidiaries including the Hythane Company and HyRadix. The new company will be headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois.

Robert Gray has been named CEO of Eden Hydrogen. He was formerly CEO of Eden Innovations and a past president of HyRadix. Roger Mamaro, president of the Hythane Company, will lead global operations and Dave Cepla, president of HyRadix, will lead global sales and marketing for the new company.

Eden’s announcement follows the release of a US-backed study, which recommends government funding of $55 billion over the next 15 years to ensure that hydrogen vehicles become competitive with petroleum-powered cars on US roads.

Greg Solomon, executive chairman of Eden Energy, said: Eden Hydrogen is a milestone in our growing capacity to deliver integrated hydrogen solutions to customers in the US and globally. We have captured the hydrogen supply chain within a single, efficient company.