EDF is a state-controlled company in which the state owns 85%. The board has recommended Philippe Crouzet, Mireille Faugere, Lord Michael Jay of Ewelme, Bruno Lafont, Pierre Mariani, and Henri Proglio. The company shareholders will be asked to approve the six nominations at a Joint Shareholders’ Meeting to be held on November 5.

According to media reports, Henri Proglio, chief executive officer of Veolia Environnement (Veolia) will replace Mr Gadonneix as the chief of EDF.

EDF owns a 3.9% stake in Veolia. Both EDF and Veolia jointly own Dalkia, an energy services company. Veolia owns 66% of the company, while EDF owns the remaining stakes.

According to The Wall Street Journal, it is anticipated that EDF would swap its stake in Dalkia to own a larger stake in Veolia.