According to EDF-EN, this deal between EDF Energies Nouvelles (EDF-EN) and First Solar, which manufactures thin-film technology photovoltaic (PV) modules, follows the contracts already signed in July 2007 and early 2008 for 292MWp in capacity due for delivery between year-end 2007 and December 2012.

This new order, 25MWp of which will be delivered in 2009 and a further 50MWp in 2010, increases the total volume of panels ordered from First Solar to 367MWp.

EDF-EN, which raised E500 million during September 2008 to finance this expansion, has set itself a target of commissioning 500MWp in PV capacity for its own account by 2012, said the company.

With operations in nine European countries and in the United States, EDF Energies Nouvelles is engaged in renewable energies. The company is also focused on wind energy for several years and recently it works on solar photovoltaic. This apart, the group presently involved in segments of renewable energies market like: small hydro, biomass, biofuel and biogas.