The company acquired part of the land at Bradwell in Essex as a result of its takeover of British Energy in January this year and purchased the remainder through an auction of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority in April.

The company has agreed with the UK government to sell off the land as part of the acquisition of British Energy. EDF has started inviting ‘credible nuclear operators’ to submit expressions of interest in the site.

Humphrey Cadoux-Hudson, managing director of nuclear new build at EDF Energy, said: “We believe the site at Bradwell which was named in the (UK) government’s recently published draft Nuclear National Policy Statement, has good potential for new build and will be attractive to potential developers of nuclear power plants.

“This sale process goes hand in hand with our plans and the industry’s wider objectives in seeking to help address the country’s long-term energy issues.”

EDF Energy said that any sale agreed will be conditional on EDF Energy getting planning permission for two European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs) at its Sizewell power station in eastern England.