The amounts will be awarded in three invitations to tender in 2008 and 2009. The first invitation, scheduled for March 12, 2008, relates to 500MW. Over the initial five-year period from 2008 to 2012, EDF is offering an average baseload supply price of E42 per MWh at the current price.

The price will be set at E36.8 per MWh for the first year, increasing progressively up to 2012. In the second 10-year period, the price will be set to cover the development cost for EDF of the nuclear reactor at Flamanville. The development cost is estimated to be E46 per MWh at 2005 prices.

EDF will be presenting interested suppliers with the outline contract and terms of the invitation to tender. This initiative allows EDF to help promote competition on the market for small traders and residential customers.