The utility plans to invest Euro510M (US$810M) to build the plants, which will have a combined installed capacity of 392MW. They are expected to be commissioned in 2016.

The award of the concession is subject to confirmation by the Portuguese Water Institute (INAG), and the necessary environmental approvals.

To be built on the Tamega river, the 256MW Fridao plant is estimated to cost Euro242M (US$384M) to build. EDP’s plan includes an additional dam, which enables its proposal to have a greater installed capacity than the 162MW reference capacity defined in the National Dams Plan.

The Alvito plant is to be built on the Ocreza river, part of the Tejo catchment. It will have an installed capacity of 136MW, which is much higher than the 48MW outlined in the National Dams Plan. The budget is Euro268M (US$426M), and the plant will have pumping capacity to take advantage of the downstream Pracana reservoir which is also operated by EDP.