Wind farm

The contract requires Elecnor to provide engineering, supply and construction services for the project, which will feature Gamesa’s 33 2MW wind turbines and 78m metal towers.

Elecnor will operate and maintain the wind farm for two years as well as construct the control building and access roads.

Planned to be located on a site adjacent to the University Al-Hussein, about 7km north-east of Maan, the wind farm is expected to start operations in 2016.

Funding for the project will come from the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.

The project is part of the Jordanian government’s efforts to diversify energy sources and seek ways to generate clean energy as the country presently imports 96% of its energy in the form of oil and gas.

As per the MEMR’s energy plan, renewable energies are estimated to account for 10% of energy distribution in 2020, with around 1,200MW of wind power and 600MW of solar energy.

The transition to renewables in Jordan needs an outlay estimated at between $1.4bn and $2.2bn.

Image: The 66MW wind farm in Jordan will feature Gamesa’s 33 2MW turbines and 78m metal towers. Photo: Courtesy of dan/