Paul Graham Rig 3 has been selected for the planned completion and testing program.

The timing of the components of the program will be the result of the ongoing detailed logistical co-ordination of the rig and services, interfaced with delivery, assembly and running of high pressure (10,000 psi rated) completion equipment necessary for the safe conduct of the planned tests. The testing is being planned around tubing conveyed perforating equipment that is expected to provide deep "1 metre plus" penetration into the multiple potential gas reservoir zones.
The casing perforations for the first reservoir flow test are anticipated to take place towards the end of October 2017.

The adjacent JV owned meter station is being readied for gas flows from the Dempsey well.

Empyrean CEO Tom Kelly commented, "Empyrean is pleased with the progress and planning being undertaken in order for the Dempsey 1-15 well to be tested safely and, if successful, placed into commercial production. This process is underway and the coming weeks will be very exciting as we reach critical stages of the testing program."

Dempsey Prospect and Dempsey 1-15 Well

Dempsey is a large structure mapped with 3D seismic and interpreted by Sacgasco to have the potential to hold a prospective resource of over 1 Tcf of gas in up to seven stacked target reservoirs. Individual, unrisked Deterministic Prospective Resources for the primary targets range from 116 Bcf to 352 Bcf of recoverable gas. Should all the stacked reservoirs be full of gas, the cumulative unrisked recoverable Prospective Resources within the Dempsey prospect could exceed 1 Tcf.

The primary targets are interpreted in a series of Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs that exhibit structurally consistent amplitude anomalies similar to those that are observed on seismic data elsewhere in the basin where conventional sandstone reservoirs have trapped natural gas in mapped structural closures, for example the Tulainyo / James and Alvares wells. 

Aside from compelling technical merit, the Dempsey 1-15 well location sits next to existing gas metering and surface infrastructure that is owned by the joint venture. This will allow for any gas discovery to be tested and connected into the local pipeline at relatively low cost and in an accelerated timeframe.
This announcement has been reviewed by Empyrean's Technical Director, Mr Frank Brophy BSc (Hons), who has over 40 years experience as a petroleum geologist.