The project was developed and constructed by First Solar in Clark County.

Enbridge Green Energy vice president Don Thompson said Silver State North marks Enbridge’s entry into the U.S. solar energy market and demonstrates Enbridge’s continuing commitment to growing its green energy business.

Silver State North was constructed under a fixed-price engineering, procurement and construction agreement with First Solar, and is expected to begin commercial operation by May 2012.

First Solar will provide operations and maintenance services to Enbridge under a long-term contract. NV Energy will purchase the energy output under a 25-year power purchase agreement approved in 2010 by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada.

Silver State North, which will use First Solar’s advanced thin film PV modules, will generate enough clean solar energy to serve the needs of about 9,000 average Nevada homes per year, displacing about 42,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, the equivalent of taking about 8,000 cars off the road.