EnBW raised its revenue to E4.41 billion for the first quarter of 2008. The company reported that 75.9% of revenues were generated by the group in the electricity segment.

Adjusted EBITDA rose on the first quarter of 2007 by 4.8% to E838.2 million. In the first quarter of 2008, adjusted EBIT went up by 5.6% to E645.6 million. Adjusted group net profit in terms of the profit attributable to the equity holders of EnBW improved by 13.2% to E398.5 million.

EnBW plans to invest a total of E7.6 billion by the year 2010. Around 70% of this total amount will be invested in growth areas and is as such an investment in the future sustainability of the company.

Hans-Peter Villis, CEO of EnBW, said: This good result in the first quarter of 2008 is the logical continuation of the fiscal year 2007. Our sound balance sheet structure and the positive rating of EnBW by the capital market form the basis for the forthcoming growth phase.