This is part of a joint Endesa, Energy City Foundation (Ciuden) initiative to demonstrate the technological and economical viability of various alternatives for CO2 capture and storage (CCS).

Work has been done by the Endesa-Ciuden team over the past three months to raise international awareness for these projects in Brussels among the General Directorates for Energy and Research, the teams in charge of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan and Spanish members of the European Parliament.

Ciuden is finalizing the agreement to build an experimental plant in El Bierzo, in the Spanish province of Leon, to develop advanced technologies into the capture of CO2.

For its part, Endesa plans to construct a 500MWe demonstration facility by 2015 using oxy-fuel combustion technology, which is claimed to be one of the most advanced methods of capturing CO2.

Endesa is hoping that this initiative will be one of the 12 pilot projects to be chosen by the European Commission (EC). The joint initiative is expected to significantly boost Endesa’s chances in this regard.