Endiama spokesperson Antonio Freitas was quoted by Bloomberg as saying that output from two of its alluvial mines is due to begin during the current year.

Freitas also added that the company is likely to start operations at two kimberlite mines in Tchiuzo in Lunda Sul province and Chiri in Lunda Norte tart by latter half of 2013 or early 2014.

The production plans of the company are consistent with the expected increase in global output following a period of constraint prices in the industry.

Endiama is also planning to resume operations at its other three mines including Uari and Cambanje, where production was stopped in the wake of global slowdown in 2008.

"Production in 2013 will probably be around the same quantity as last year, maybe a bit more," Freitas revealed.

During 2012, the company has produced 8.3 million carats of diamond with a production value of $1.16bn.