This transaction means that Eneco will enter into a working partnership with the Lochluichart Estate to realize this development through to commercial operation.

Eneco will now construct and operate the Lochluichart wind farm, which was consented in 2008 by the Scottish government. The project comprises 17 turbines with a nominal capacity of 51MW, which is equivalent to the supply of electricity for up to 28,000 households. It is hoped that the wind farm will enter operation by 2013.

Marc van der Linden, managing director of Eneco Wind, said: “This is a landmark deal for Eneco and Infinergy together with the Lochluichart Estate. It brings the Eneco commitment to the UK to a significant capacity together with Tullo (17MW) and the recent offshore award of the West of Wight Round 3 concession.”

Hamish Leslie Melville, owner of Lochluichart Estate, said: “I am delighted to see the wind farm take this important step towards completion and now look forward to working closely with Eneco to establish the project on the Estate. We have enjoyed working with Infinergy to realise the project to this stage of development and congratulate them on this successful transition.”

Esbjorn Wilmar, managing director of Infinergy, said: “The Lochluichart project has taken many years of patient effort and we are proud to have delivered such a project to our new partners.”

The Lochluichart project has a commitment to fund local initiatives through a community led scheme. Eneco said that it will look to work with local businesses and contractors wherever possible.