Connected to EGP’s 10MWp Catania 1 photovoltaic plant, the storage facility is expected to improve management of the power plant through enhanced electricity flows by reducing the intermittence affecting certain renewable sources.

Additionally, the storage facility will provide auxiliary services to the grid.

EGP CEO Francesco Venturini said: "Technologically advanced storage systems like the one we are inaugurating today will reduce intermittency and enable us to manage the unpredictability of certain renewable sources, thereby helping to ensure the stability and control of the grid.

"The active integration of renewables with pioneering and innovative solutions such as this one is key for the ongoing development of the sector."

According to the company, tests have been underway at the new facility since May 2013. The storage facility has enabled the first field test of the use of this battery to reduce imbalances between forecast and actual output.

In addition to the storage system, EGP is in the advanced stage of construction of the 18MW Potenza Pietragalla wind farm project.

According to the company, Potenza Pietragalla wind farm project is the first wind farm in Italy to be combined with a storage system and connected to the high-voltage grid.

Recently, EGP completed the construction of a 5MW power plant that uses biomass to heat geothermal steam in Italy’s Tuscany region.

The installed capacity of Enel Green Power exceeds 9,800MW. The company has around 740 plants operating in 15 countries.