The deployment was carried out by all WindPlus joint venture partners including: EDP, Principle Power, A Silva Matos, Vestas Wind Systems, InovCapital, and Fundo de Apoio a Inovacao.

EDP said the offshore wind deployment did not require the use of any heavy lift equipment offshore.

All final assembly, installation and pre-commissioning of the wind turbine occurred on land in a controlled environment.

Following pre-commissioning of the system onshore at the Lisnave facility near Setubal, the WindFloat was loaded-out using a dry-dock and towed offshore, which consisted of some 350km in open Atlantic waters.

EDP Inovacao CEO Antonio Vidigal said deep offshore wind technology, in particular the WindFloat, will allow the company to harness stronger and more stable winds, and in the medium term deliver sustainable energy into our electrical system.

EDP is a vertically integrated utility, focused on generation, distribution and commercialization of electricity and gas.

Principle Power is a US technology developer based in Seattle, Washington, focused on the offshore wind energy market.