“EFOI is honored to have been selected to conduct this important research. We are confident that we can build upon our advanced thermal and optical technology to produce the best system for the United States’ Soldiers.” says Roger Buelow, chief technology officer at Energy Focus.

A solid state LED-based technology upgrade is suitable as it does not generate high internal temperatures, has high reliability, and can be engineered to radiate no energy outside the desired band (700-1100 nm).

“The technical challenges presented by the Army are tremendous, but at the end we will have made breakthroughs that should unlock the next generation of LED lighting.” notes Laszlo Takacs, Director or R&D. The operational benefits of the LED Infrared flare include higher ignition reliability, little or no visible light output, and no risk of fires started on the ground or at the parachute components. LEDs operate with higher reliability than other light sources and with much greater safety than incendiary sources. Use of the LED would also provide a more consistent output both in power and in duration. Most significantly, the system would emit little or no visible light at all.

“This selection is another in a long string of examples of how Energy Focus Inc.’s technology and product focus is making a difference in the future of the United States Military.” says Joe Kaveski, CEO.