MBCx collects and analyzes five minute interval data from 8,000 discreet points in Morgan Stanley’s New York facility to identify energy usage variances and inefficiencies. The types of energy inefficiencies identified are typically no-cost or low-cost operational and programmatic opportunities, making MBCx a capital-efficient and immediately impactful solution, the company claims.

Prior to implementing EnerNOC’s MBCx software application, EnerNOC’s clients often conduct extensive traditional retro-commissioning projects to ensure their buildings run at optimal efficiency. However, buildings have a tendency to drift as building management systems are manually overridden and occupancy usage changes.

Tim Healy, chairman and CEO of EnerNOC, said: “One of the most unique aspects of this deployment is that Morgan Stanley’s facility was commissioned just prior to the MBCx deployment, yet EnerNOC’s solution has identified more than $100,000 of additional energy efficiency opportunities to date.

“Even for finely tuned buildings like the Morgan Stanley headquarters, leveraging the convergence of IT and energy data represents a huge opportunity for savings in the commercial, institutional, and industrial marketplace.”