Mr Pagano served in various positions at WorleyParsons Group and a predecessor, Parsons E&C, including as president-Americas from October 2004 to August 2008. Mr Pagano joined WorleyParsons in 1998 and held the positions of chief financial officer and chief operating officer before being appointed president-Americas.

Prior to joining WorleyParsons, Mr Pagano held various senior financial positions with the Shaw Group, Aker Kvaerner, URS, and Lurgi. Most recently, he served as president-Americas at GL Industrial Service, a technical assurance and consulting firm to the energy industry.

Mr Coskey said: “We are pleased to welcome Edd to ENGlobal. As previously reported, our board, myself included, initiated our CEO search given changes in our industry and expected changes to the company’s future growth strategy. Edd has an extensive, proven track record in industries we currently serve as well as industries we expect to serve in the future. Speaking on behalf of our senior management team, we look forward to his leadership.”