The collaboration with Cisco is the latest development in Enmax’s ongoing initiative to migrate its existing electricity services model into a utility 2.0 model.

The objective of this initiative is to bolster system reliability and security, integrate energy from renewable sources, improve efficiency, reduce commercial and residential energy usage, and enable future smart grid developments, the companies said.

Enmax and Cisco will work together on technologies to enable automated demand-response management with commercial and industrial customers. Cisco will also work with Enmax to explore the management of distributed generation sources. Furthermore, Enmax plans to launch a pilot project aimed at equipping some Calgary commercial and industrial customer buildings with Cisco network building mediator.

Helen Bremner, executive vice president of smart grid at Enmax, said: “Cisco’s track record in transforming information technology, as well as its grid security and energy management solutions, will help us implement our Utility 2.0 model to transform energy distribution and consumption for Calgarians.”