The funding will augment EDF’s efforts to bring about a strict framework and develop industry best practices to the 14 states in the US that account for 85% of the nation’s unconventional gas reserves.

Philanthropist and Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg felt that the current approach of both environmentalists who oppose all fracking and drillers who resist regulation of any kind will only harm everyone concerned, and that EDF will work to bring everyone on board to facilitate strong and responsible regulation.

EDF President Fred Krupp added, "Our work is dedicated to both of those imperatives."

"No one should be forced to trade their children’s health or their quality of life for cheap energy. There is a path forward for natural gas production if we get it right — but that’s a big if."

EDF will focus on encouraging the disclosure of chemicals used in fracturing, drilling and operation of well besides rules for well construction and operation.

Reducing water consumption and disposal, impact to ecosystems alongside better air pollution control measures will also be part of EDF’s agenda.