AES SONEL is the integrated electric utility in Cameroon of which AES Corporation (www.aes.com) holds 56% shares and the remaining shares are owned by the government of Cameroon. The utility has approximately 930 MW of generating capacity.

AES SONEL is applying for a loan from a group of banks including the European Investment Bank -EIB– towards the cost of its major capital projects.

AES-SONEL intends to construct approximately 113 Km (225KV) overhead transmission line in the Littoral Province of Cameroon between the towns of Bekoko and Nkongsamba The international invitation relates to the prequalification for the studies of environmental and social impact assessment concerning this transmission line project

The contract will be a lump sum consultancy contract for those studies.


The overall objective of this study is to undertake an EIA and produce an EIS for submission to the Client, Government Ministries, and potential Lenders.

The Generic tasks to implement this assignment shall include but not limited to the following:

1. Confirm scope and TOR of environmental and social assessment with key consultees

2. Regulatory, legislative and administrative review, concordance analysis and table of compliance for the “Project”

3. Baseline conditions, description and justification of the proposed project

4. Site visits, Analysis of alternatives including any re-alignment to minimise social and environmental impacts

5. Prepare Environmental and Social Impact Statement and action plan for both the construction and operational phases

6. Prepare a Resettlement Action Plan

7. Prepare a Monitoring Plan for the Project for both the construction and operational phases

8. Provision of any addendum or additional information required during EIS review by government or lenders.

To complete the above generic tasks the environmental and social consultants shall conduct the following studies within the project area:

• Human Settlement

• Socio-economic issues

• Pollution aspects

• Public and Occupational safety assessment

• Flight paths / Avian Hazards assessment

• Hydrological and Drainage survey

• Soil and geology survey

• Natural habitat and biological diversity assessment

• Water resource quality assessment ;

• Visual impact assessment ;

• Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) assessment and proposed mitigation for corona, noise, electric fields of influence; Cumulative impacts associated with twin high voltage rights of way;

• Infrastructure review

• Recreation and amenity facilities review;

• Survey of land use and human settlement in the study area

• Landscape assessment

• Cultural Heritage/ property survey

• Ecological survey to include migratory species, ecologically sensitive areas;

• Alternative land survey

• Traffic survey

The works are expected to start on June 2006.


All qualified consulting firms will be invited to participate in the bid. The contractor will be required to demonstrate by documentary evidence:

• experience in at least five similar studies during the last ten years.

• experience of successful completion of similar studies in African countries within the past five years ;

• willingness to offer guarantees for program and agreement to accept liquidated damages for failure to meet the guarantees ;

• Minimum annual turnover for the last three years not less than Euro 5 million, as demonstrated by annual accounts audited according to IAS, GAPP or other standards that are acceptable to AES Sonel.

Applicants not meeting the above qualification criteria will not be eligible to bid.


At the moment, the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents are being finalized and after receiving expression of interest from the interested parties and pre-qualification, suitable candidates will be selected and given access to the RFP documents. To participate to this online pre-qualification process,

1. Direct your internet browser to www.poweradvocate.com/

2. Click on the “REGISTER” button on the right-hand of your screen,

3. Complete the Registration sheet with the requested information (IMPORTANT: PLEASE INDICATE “BEKOKO-NKONGSAMBA ESIA PROJECT” IN THE REFERRAL FIELD),

4. After registering, AES SONEL will confirm your involvement and you will receive an email informing that your registration is complete and that you have access to the platform.

5. Return to www.poweradvocate.com , logon, and download further information on this pre-qualification.

You are required to respond electronically via the Power Advocate website before April 30th, 2006. This will entail ‘uploading’ any written responses to the RFI or any other company data you wish to provide. Additionally, there are online datasheets you will be required to complete. No hard copy documents will be accepted.

For questions concerning this prequalification process, please contact emmanuel.moteng@aes.com and job.ngog@aes.com

For questions concerning the poweradvocate internet platform, please contact eugenia.gibbons@poweradvocate.com

The Director of Shared Services

William Bennett