Earlier, only renewable energy from hydroelectric power plants and biogas power plants helped for grid stability, but now wind power is also lending support for grid stabilization.

Currently, the firm is preparing plans to increase the share of wind power to support supply security.

E.ON has secured pre-qualification for a customer wind farm in the Vorpommern-Greifswald administrative district in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania from the transmission system operator, 50Hertz.

The electricity from Brandenburg’s wind farm has to be connected to the virtual power plant, in order to achieve the pre-condition that is earlier limited only to generators.

Under the process, the company will manage 3,800MW generation output from different renewable and industrial sources. The firm will offer negative tertiary balancing power in the form of 26MW, as a first step.

The transmission system operators have prepared standardized rules under possible feed-in procedure to allow the selling of wind power. It will be practiced in a two-year pilot phase.

E.ON Connecting Energies is said to be one of the first firms to involve in this pilot phase.

Balancing power will enable to maintain grid stability for the transmission network operators.

The generation and consumption continuously required to be balanced to maintain the grid frequency of 50Hz in the electrical power supply system.

Three balancing power qualities are provided to the transmission network, of which one is the tertiary balancing power that will replace the previously activated secondary balancing power.

Image: E.ON has connected wind farm to the virtual power plant in Germany. Photo: courtesy of E.ON SE.